
Tag: coaches corner

Do You Catch Waves or Do They Catch You

Introduction: This week on KookCast, Coach Chris and Coach Evan are discussing the difference between surfers who paddle hard to catch waves and surfers who…

Hurricane Fiona

Introduction: Not that any episodes of KookCast could be considered “formal”, this is one of those especially informal episodes where the coaches are just rapping…

How To Stay in the Pocket

Introduction: No matter how you ride waves, the pocket is what we’re all chasing. Whether you’re on a surfboard, boogie board, or no board at…

How I Met Your Coach

Introduction: It’s nearly a decade since Coach Chris and Coach Ev met each other surfing out in Montauk, NY. It was no ordinary session either….

Surf Lessons vs. Surf Coaching: What’s the Difference?

Introduction: This week on KookCast, the boys are talking about the differences between The Surf Continuum and all the other surf schools out there and…

Baja Surf Trip Reflections

Introduction: This week on KookCast, Coach Chris and Coach Ev are taking a few minutes to recap their Spring surf trip to Northern Baja with…

Surfing Fundamentals 101

Introduction: We talk a lot about “surfing fundamentals” in all of our episodes, and while you could probably piece it all together and figure out…

6 Qualities of a Good Surfer

Introduction: The skill of a surfer is almost always determined by how well they ride waves. In this article and corresponding podcast episode, you’ll be…

Automatic Kook

Introduction: We’re all about helping you be a little less kooky, and that’s why for the last episode of 2021 we bringing you our “automatic…

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