
Properly Popping Up

A video to learn about the basic pop up technique

This week we’re evaluating John’s pop-up which is controlled, balanced, and results in good foot placement with minimal excess movement during execution. This is vital in order to achieve a fluid and smooth take-off. Let’s evaluate some of the keys to having a great pop-up.

Practicing Your Stand Up on Land

A private student of ours is just getting to the point in the curriculum where we start learning how to stand up after catching waves. This week’s video is what I sent her so that she could start practicing at home before we have our next session.

Stand-Up Evolution

If you want to go fast, go slow. The reason we teach a step-by-step stand-up is to encourage you to focus on technique. Don’t concern yourself with speed or “popping”, that will naturally evolve from repetition and attention on your technique.

Compression & Extension

Surfer displaying the best pop-up technique is actually a stand up

Specifically regarding the last step: extension. There’s a reason we teach a stand up technique, and not a pop-up. Beginners already tend to have an excited and explosive stand up. Take advantage of the extra drive you can create by standing up compressed at first and slowly extending through the rail set.

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