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It was February 2016. El Niño was in full effect, and the incoming swell was massive.
We were all in La Misión, Baja together on our annual friends surf trip and thanks to Coach Evan and Tia Gloria, we managed to lock down a “captain” and his boat with plans to head to a nearby point break infamous for the rarity in which it broke, and for the raw power and size when it did.
At minute 03:24 in our video recording (and 04:45 min on the publicly released version of this episode) I mention a video edit released by Surfer Magazine about this particular swell. Here it is, and the Mexico section of the day our whole story takes place begins at 18 mins, which is automatically set to begin at when you click play.

Surrounded by hundreds of feet of sheer vertical cliff and a single sketchy road that was shuttered to the public, made a boat ride through the pumping Pacific Ocean as the only option for getting in.

But with the challenge of getting there (which became even more challenging than we anticipated once we got on the open ocean) also provided the reward of relatively uncrowded surf, especially considering how world class the surf was going to be.

Tune into Coach Ev, myself, Corey Senese, Cole Olson, Gavin Krug, and Chance Whalen get back together to tell the story of how we beat all the odds and managed to log the session of a lifetime.
Bonus: Listen to the introduction of this episode here in its publicly published format for instructions on a chance to win a 3-piece product assortment from our newest sponsor, Freaks of Nature.