
Are You Surfing Blind?

In this episode, Coach Chris and Coach Ev are discussing one of the more common impairments surfers face…blindness! Time Stamps: KookCast is brought to you by Coach Chris and Coach Evan of The Surf Continuum. Find unedited pre and unreleased episodes on through their membership website: thesurfcontinuum.com Sponsored by: www.crookedsurf.com www.surfears.com www.freaksofnature.com

Six Surfers Who Brought Their Blades to a Gun Fight

It was February 2016. El Niño was in full effect, and the incoming swell was massive.  We were all in La Misión, Baja together on our annual friends surf trip and thanks to Coach Evan and Tia Gloria, we managed to lock down a “captain” and his boat with plans to head to a nearby point … Read more

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