
How to Stay Warm for a Cold Session

Damn we’ve been battling the shivers no matter where we surf in the world! From New York winters, to that light afternoon breeze in Central America our skinny asses are always at risk for catching a chill. That’s why we put together an impromptu list of all the things we’ve done to keep the fire … Read more

Busted Ear Drum with Cole Olson

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Our dedicated listeners are gonna be amped on this episode…We got Brother Cole back on the show to finish his busted ear drum story that got cut off the first time he was on as our guest (episode 72 “Two Wave Hold Downs with Cole Olson”). If you were bummed to miss out on that … Read more

How to Know When Your Surfboard is Too Big

Is your surfboard too big for you? But how do you know? Join us as we discuss. You’ll have to excuse the quality of the audio this week! Brother Cole joined us on this episode and we had to make due with two mic’s between the three of us. 

Position Yourself for Success

In this episode, Coach Chris and Coach Evan dive into the topic of positioning yourself in the ocean so you can be a more seasoned surfer, with a more calculated approach to your session.

You’re Not a Surfer! with Erik Schwab

A semi-ironic, kind of serious, but mostly joking list of qualifying characteristics that make up a true surfer with returning guest, Erik Schwab. https://www.saltyvisionz.com

How to Set a Pace & Get the Most From Your Surf Sessions

What a good topic, and if you haven’t thought about it, you ought to. Pace is one of those subtle and infrequently discussed topics that can secretly make-or-break your sessions. Mindfulness and consideration of your pace will help get the most possible out of your surf sessions because we all know how valuable time in … Read more

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