
Six Surfers Who Brought Their Blades to a Gun Fight

It was February 2016. El Niño was in full effect, and the incoming swell was massive.  We were all in La Misión, Baja together on our annual friends surf trip and thanks to Coach Evan and Tia Gloria, we managed to lock down a “captain” and his boat with plans to head to a nearby point … Read more

Line Up Dominators

Coach Chris and Coach Evan discuss how there is more depth to being a good surfer, and how to catch waves without dominating the lineup. 7:00 – End of story 8:00 -Define a great surfer 10:30 – Give waves away 12:30 – More depth to being a good surfer 13:30 – Can catch more waves … Read more

The Worst Drop In I’ve Ever Seen!

Cat hops on a early morning call with me to share the story behind a clip I came across on her Instagram page. Basically, it’s the worst drop in I’ve ever seen. Let’s take a look…

Expanding Your Sphere of Awareness

Expanding your sphere of awareness is a key metric in measuring your growth as a surfer because at it grows it implies that what you are doing as a surfer physically, and what’s near to you in space is becoming familiar to the point where you don’t have to focus on it. This allows you … Read more

What Makes a Good Student?

A great episode for prospective and old students alike, in this episode Coach Chris and Coach Ev are helping you become a better student.

How to Earn Respect from the Locals

Next up in the que of pre-released episodes is this one, which ironically comes on the heels of a member’s question that recently came through of the same nature. Totally unplanned.

The King of Paddling Technique with Rob Case

I’m so glad I finally got to speak with Rob for a KookCast episode. He invited me on his podcast, the Dropping In Surf Show, a few years back, but having him on KookCast was a pleasure so I could nerd out with him on paddling technique, among other things.

The 7 Pillars of The Surf Continuum

In our constant quest to clearly define ourselves and our mission to new and old students alike, this episode topic made its way to our shared notes where we kept it on top for a few weeks to develop. We’re firm in our convictions to not just be another “surf school” where you sign up … Read more

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