
How to Improve: Take-Off Timing

Mariana is asking about the take-off and how to avoid the perilous situation of waves breaking directly on you. When we strip it all down, this is basically a timing question. Hopefully a few of the things I talk about in this video will help Mariana and other surfers have a better understanding of what … Read more

Surf Etiquette with Friends

Someone was curious about certain aspects of surf etiquette in regards to a friend group. Here’s what I have to say about it…

Opinions on Traction Pads

Shannah asked about traction pads for the tail of your board and for the sake of helping with foot placement. This is one of those things where different surfers will have different opinions. Here’s mine.

Finding Your Take-Off Section

Jamie checked in with us to ask about reading waves and figuring out how to find the best take-off section. Thanks for your question, Jamie !

Finding the Best Surf When the Wind Goes Sideways

RJ wrote in to ask a question about finding the best surf spot when the wind goes sideways. Whether you should be looking for shelter, or a spot with a coastal orientation that makes the wind offshore there. Let’s dig in…

North Bar Line-Ups

Liz wrote in to ask about line ups for a specific spot in Montauk. Unfortunately, the answer is not so straight forward. The good news is that the answer can be applied to any place you surf with changing and varying line ups.

Custom Surfboard Ordering Process

Shannah is looking to get a smaller board and she wants it to be custom shaped. Her question pertains to the process, specifically how the shaper determines what they’re going to shape based on the client they are working with.

How To: Drop Knee

Gunar’s Q was in regards to drop knee turns. We tried to take a stab at this one, but the truth is we really don’t do them and felt a bit unqualified to be answering this question so we called in our buddy Cole to handle this question (Cole’s been on KookCast a number of … Read more

Doing Top Turns

Ashley checked in with us to ask about her approach to the top of the wave, and how she should be trying to execute her turns. We love a good top turn so we were stoked to answer this one.

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