What Board Should I Use?
Coach Evan and Coach Chris are answering a question regarding surfboards and surfboard selection.
Coach Evan and Coach Chris are answering a question regarding surfboards and surfboard selection.
Coach Chris and Coach Evan dive into proper stand-up technique. The first video they’re talking about the possibilities of what can go wrong with your stand up technique. After we recorded it, Brian sent us a clip of his stand up technique so we hopped on another call to have a look and discuss it … Read more
Coach Chris and Coach Evan address a membership question on how to catch waves, especially on a smaller day.
Angela’s question is in regards to some of the nuances of turtle rolling.
Kristen bringing a tricky topic to the table! Hah, I love to take a swing at these tough ones. While there are some black and white points to make when it comes to the rules of the road, they’re generally in front of a backdrop of situational context and nuance of surf culture. I don’t … Read more
Joel wrote to ask about some tips for getting a little more fluid and mobility in his stand up. This is a common issue, especially for men, so I work through this question verbally and theoretically first, and then show Joel some of the things I’ve done and still do to keep my hips moving. … Read more
Leonora is asking about nose dives. Why do they happen? How can she stop it from happening. Here’s our multi-layered answer.
Should you bring your board with you on a surf trip, or gamble with the rental rack? That’s Linda’s question for us.